Carvalho on his current research: "My research examines Steve Reich’s music through philosophical views on narratives of identity. I believe that multidisciplinary research on minimalism that extends beyond the examination of musical processes enriches the understanding of the movement by opening new avenues for studying—and listening—to it. I have presented this research at conferences in the US and Europe, such as Music and Disruptive Pasts: between the popular and the arcane (Open University, UK), Minimalism Extended: The Seventh International Conference on Minimalist Music (Cardiff University, UK), Music and National Identity (Middle Tennessee State University), and the 2020 Taiwan Musicology Forum (National Taiwan Normal University). I am also working on an article and a book for future publication. Through this research, my music students see the minimalist movement as a multifaceted aesthetic connected to several topics such as identity, race, history, memory, post-modernism, and humanity’s relationship to technology.”
Click HERE to see the poster presented at the SEMPRE Graduate Conference, March 2019, University of Cambridge, UK.

"Transcriptions for the classical guitar: technical and musical solutions for the interpretation of selected works by Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel." (Abstract)
In his master’s dissertation, Carvalho focused on compositional processes; comprising the transcription for the guitar of works by Debussy and Ravel, his study culminated in the CD "Impressionism – Acoustic Guitar Solo," praised as “highly recommended” by Classical Guitar Magazine.
Carvalho, Diogo. “How and Why Did Banjo and Mandolin Jeopardize the Guitar’s Future?” Paper presented at the conference Instrument of Change: The International Rise of the Guitar (c. 1870-1945), University of Melbourne, Australia. December 9-11, 2016. (Abstract)